
Facing an issue? Check out our FAQs here!

My video is unable to load with the error message: "Looks like there is an issue".

If you face an error similar to the above, please open a “New Incognito window” from your Google Chrome and retry again.

If the above did not work, drop us a message at the feedback form for further assistance.

I did not receive the Account Activation Email.

Please double check your junk mail. If you still do not receive it after one day, drop us a message at the feedback form for further assistance.

I am unable to start the course.

You are strongly recommended to use the recommended browser Google Chrome to enjoy a seamless experience.

My video is blurry or unclear.

To adjust the video quality, locate the setting button at the bottom right corner of the video. Go to quality to select a higher resolution.

Stay logged in with your DyStar email account when you are prompted to login to “Microsoft Stream”

To ensure that you can view the video, please ensure that you

  • Stay logged in with your DyStar email account when you are prompted to login to “Microsoft Stream”
  • Use the recommended browser Google Chrome
  • Have Flash Player installed on your computer
Why are the captions inaccurate?

The captions are automatically generated by Microsoft Stream using the speech recognition technology.

Note: As these automatic captions are generated by machine learning algorithms, the quality of the captions may vary.

Hence, the captions are only meant as guidance instead of a full transcript of the video. Kindly turn off the captions if you find it confusing during the course of learning.