Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes

Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes


The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 1

Reactive dyes are the most important dye class for dyeing cellulosic fibers.
Focus of part 1 of this course is on following topics:
  • What are the main dye classes for dyeing cellulosic fibers?
  • What kind of machines are used for exhaust dyeing with reactive dyes?
  • What is important to know regarding process water for reactive dyeing?

The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 2

Focus of part 2 of this course is on following topics:
  • Most important cellulosic substrates
  • Important facts about electrolyte for reactive dyeing
  • Information about alkali for reactive dyeing
  • Basics about chemistry of reactive dyes
  • Basics about dyeing auxiliaries

Course Content

Lessons Status

The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 1 — 17m


The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 2 — 17m 2s


Quiz - The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 1


Quiz - The Basics of Exhaust Dyeing with Reactive Dyes, Part 2